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Long Distance Relationship Dating Apps


That was the second long-distance relationship she’d had through the forum: Her first, with a guy from Florida, lasted two years. Online-dating companies are privy to the fact that people use. For example one place I'm at now has 48 women available in a 20 mile radius with a 13 year age range, and this is via a fairly popular app. Are there apps where you can search/meet people interested in long distance relationships and then move closer/make it work assuming you two hit it off well after getting to know each other well? If you are looking for long-distance relationship dating sites that accepts diversity, ChinaLove is worth giving a try. Even though there is an obvious focus on people with Chinese origin, it has members from all across the world looking for a partner with a Chinese connection. Great for long distance relationships! I absolutely love this app! It has been great for my long distant relationship. During the week, we are often pretty busy so texting back and forth can become a task, so being able to have a way to quickly show that we are thinking of each other by changing our feeling to “flirty” or sending a GiF or a quick snapshot of my current situation is awesome!

Technology makes it possible to meet people from all over the world, and when it comes to dating, apps and websites certainly make it possible to cast a wider net. But if you meet someone online that you're interested in, should you start a long-distance relationship with someone you met online — especially when long-distance relationships are notoriously challenging in and of themselves?

The short answer is that it depends on your needs, limitations, and what it takes to feel fulfilled in a romantic relationship. 'Success' in a relationship is not necessarily defined by a particular duration of time or a particular end result (e.g., co-habitating, marriage),' Dr. Stefani Threadgill, a sexologist, PhD, LMFT, and founder of The Sex Therapy Institute explains. 'I define a successful relationship as one that creates pleasure and happiness for both people in the couple, for as long as the relationship lasts.'

That said, if you decide to give it a go, Dr. Sue Varma (@doctorsuevarma on social media), a couples and sex therapist and sex educator, says that the first step is to clarify your intentions. 'I’m big on people being clear and up-front about [their intensions], in their own mind and for the other,' she says, adding, 'If you are looking for a long-term, committed relationship, you may be willing to make the extra effort [of dating long-distance].'

There are also some other questions to ask yourself as you go forward with a far-away romance. Ahead, some things to consider before taking that digital step.

What Do You Need From Relationships?

In any case, before falling for the romance, both parties should be aware of their emotional needs. (Need help de-mystifying? Take a quiz to discover your love languages). 'If you are someone who needs physical touch and/or quality time activities together to build a relationship and be happy with your level of connection, you'll be setting yourself up for more heartbreak and disappointment,' warns Jennifer Gunsaullus, PhD, sociologist & intimacy coach, and author of the forthcoming book From Madness to Mindfulness: Reinventing Sex for Women. But on the flip side, those who respond best to words of affirmation and gift giving/receiving may be perfectly content with virtual conversations and special surprises sent by mail. Further, 'People who already have very busy and full lives, and also people who are independent or content living alone (if they don't have a roommate), may appreciate the flexibility and lowered expectations of a long-distance relationship,' she says.

How Far & How Often Are You Willing To Travel?

Another aspect to consider is how far a distance you'd be willing to travel, and how often, in order to see your partner. For instance, would you be okay with making a four-hour drive to spend the weekend together, or flying halfway across the world two times a year? Or, would you consider a two-hour train ride a huge inconvenience, given your need to be with your beau? 'How much distance you're willing to deal with depends on how busy you already are, and how much physical touch matters and being able to do activities together,' says Dr. Gunsaullus. 'It also matters how much time and money you have to be able to travel and vice versa, because a long-distance relationship, where you're traveling quite a bit, means that your friends and work could be negatively impacted, as well as your wallet.' Of course, the commute may be more tolerable if one of you is willing to relocate, should things get serious.

Do You Trust This Person?

And last but certainly not least is the matter of trusting someone's authenticity when you haven't actually — you know — met. (After all, you've seen Catfish, right?).'While it's amazing to be able to meet people to potentially date from around the world, there are bigger issues to think about before diving into a long-distance relationship that doesn't begin by first spending time together in person,' Dr. Gunsaullus says. 'The fact that you've never spent actual time in the same physical space together has two primary concerns: First, the other person may not be who they present themselves to be online or from a distance, so they could be leading you on. Also, it's hard to assess sexual chemistry if you haven't spent time together.'

Red Flags

Still, there are some red flags you can look out for through your correspondence. Dr. Varma says that flakiness, unreliability, canceling potential meet-ups, and telling stories that don't add up should raise your suspicious. And in general, she advises, you should always trust your gut. For example, 'if they are only interested in phone sex, sending sexually provocative images or messages early on, you will know their intentions, so don’t be fooled,' she says. Also, Dr. Threadgill notes, it can be easy to experience a false sense of security after just a few days of continuous messaging — and that's not always a good thing. 'Faux intimacy can be a consequence of relationships initiated through apps/online dating or texting,' she explains. 'It is the sense one ‘knows’ another person, yet in reality, they have never met; it is a hazard of dating in the digital age.'

But with all this in mind, the experts agree that starting a long-distance relationship with someone you met online isn't automatically a bad idea. In fact, it can be incredibly fulfilling for those who proceed with caution and are willing to make some sacrifices. Dr. Gunsaullus shares her final thoughts: 'If you have a connection with someone that feels particularly special, unique, and supportive in a way you haven't been able to find in your home area, then maybe you want to give it a shot.'

A lot is happening on the relationship scene, and these days, distance is no more a barrier to a successful relationship. Except, of course, you are still living in the stone age when everybody has moved on. If you are in a long-distance relationship that’s separated by hundreds or even thousands of miles, and still desire to stay connected, then these LDR apps are for you. Times have quickly changed, and today, there is a plethora of interesting apps developed to make long-distance relationships seamless.

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These apps are arguably the best things that have happened to modern-day relationships. If you’ve been head over heels for someone that stays towns away, then you would know how easy it can get sometimes.

Best Apps for Long-Distance RelationshipCouples

Thanks to these apps, however, you can stay connected with your most precious ones, irrespective of distance. With 24 hours of chat features, picture sharing, voice notes, and even video calls. You can tell that it will look like they are a few fences away. So let’s dive into the most amazing apps for long-distance relationships.


Forget what the name makes you think, this app is an amazing app to know if you are in a relationship. If you have a show that always means so much to you and your special one, then this app helps you catch up on it, feeling like your love is right there with you. Sometimes, some shows mean so much that it can seem wrong watching them without your partner. This is where this app stands out. Simply, get yourself in your favorite watching position, open the Rabbit app and you are good to go. You can invite your partner to join you as the app synchs whatever you are watching several miles away.

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There’s probably no better way to describe couplete than “a cute app for long-distance relationships” because that’s what it is after all. The app features a text and picture messaging system to allow couples easily share their thoughts, depending on which they are most comfortable with at a moment. It also has a calendar like most other apps on this review, that’s designed for couples to add and track dates that are special to their relationships. There is a “Loveletter” option that allows you to send virtual love notes to your partner with an included “Mood”. We also found that this app has a ” Wishbox” feature that allows couples to upload links of gifts they’d love to have so that their partners can see and order if possible.

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Long Distance Relationship Dating Apps For Men

Often referred to as an “App for Two”, Couple stands out among apps that are designed to help enable long-distance relationships. It allows lovers an opportunity to contribute and exchange messages on a private timeline. The app attempts to add some touches of gold to the way long-distance relationships are done, by bringing some cool features to the pack. It comes with a shared calendar that allows both couples to digitally mark dates that are special to them with a splash of heart-eye emojis. The app also allows a couple to be able to practically feel the touch of themselves with Thumbkiss, which is something we consider to be highly innovational. Another interesting feature of the app is how it allows a couple to feel close by letting them sketch together in real-time. This feature lets you connect emotionally when you can’t hold hands physically.

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Just like Couple, this app offers you a lot to keep your relationship lively and good, despite the distance. One special feature of this app is how it allows you to make the count down for when your partner travels to see you in your city official with a celebratory tracking calendar. The calendar actually stores all the important dates to look forward to in your relationship. Of course, Between offers you a lot of features that will practically fill up any space between you. In the app, there is a private channel where couples can store favorite memories, customize chat space with stickers, and share intimate moments.

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Happy Couple

Happy Couple is one of those Apps that any couple would love, irrespective of the distance. The app is a relatively popular one and one of the features that stands it out is the “Thumbkiss” feature; this feature allows lovers to feel themselves by simply tapping the screen. Each tap produces a slight vibration. This may sound quite corny, but it is something very sweet in a long-distance relationship.

It has a video chat feature too, although this feature only works when both partners are using iPhones. The app has a “List” feature where couples can enter important dates to their relationship.


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Truth or Dare

If you are looking for an app that will serve as the perfect ice-breaker between you and your partner, then this is the real deal for you. The app is full of naughty truth or dares and dirty jokes, so unless you are willing to go completely naughty with your partner, don’t try this.

The app has double dare, triple dares, revenge dares, extreme dares, fantasy dares, and more, so you can tell that the creators of the app didn’t come to play. Irrespective of the distance between you and your partner, this app will definitely turn the heat up.

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Lovedays helps to cover the distance between you and your significant other, such that vibing becomes extremely easy. It is a simply designed app that helps to solve the issue of forgotten anniversaries and birthdays, which are the biggest issues tormenting long distant lovers. The app allows you to set and manage reminders with your partner. Keep track of how long you’ve been in your relationship and set the image of your lover on the lock screen.

There you have it, a review of interesting apps that can help eliminate the gap in any long-distance relationship. All the apps are available on both Playstore and Applestore and are free, so it will not be difficult to get them.

More Apps for “normal” Couples

While the focus of these apps is to bring people in a long-distance relationship closer together, there are also other great apps for all kinds of couples, no matter the distance. Check them out here: Top 10 Apps for Couples.

Sex Apps for Couples

To spice up your relationship try out some of these naughty apps with dirty games and a lot more for exciting nights in your bedroom: Sex Apps for Couples

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