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At the end of the day, it comes down to financial stability, regardless of whether you're dating a man or a woman. In the modern day society, women hold key positions in leading global organizations. In addition to this, a lot of women are heading firms and they're certainly rich. HOW TO DATE A RICH WOMEN FOR POOR MEN Posted by April 19, 2020 While for poorer women, your financial status and your ability to spoil them is the most important key to their hearts, rich women dating are looking for a few other qualities that money can't buy.

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They say that you can’t fill a glass pouring from an empty pitcher. As complicated as the idea may seem, love is one of those things that you can’t properly give to anyone without having an internal understanding of it. Romance insinuates a responsibility each lover has to the other.Half Full or Half Empty
The expression of whether a glass is half full or half empty typically refers to whether an individual is optimistic or pessimistic. It also provides a great example to explain why it’s crucial to love yourself before dating committing to a relationship.

Let me explain. If we’re being purely realistic on the matter, see, that glass is still only at half capacity regardless of perspective.. If you only halfway have love for yourself, then you also have only half of your capacity of love to give a potential partner. That’s not enough.

Yes, being lonely sucks. But being lonely when you’re sitting beside someone you think you love or that you think loves you, is far more painful. Unfortunately, when an individual jumps into romance not really knowing him or herself, this is often one of many similar sad results.

More Favorable Outcomes
Investing time in yourself with experiences and education adds exponential value to the way you see in your own existence. This self-appraisal is one of the key factors to appreciating one’s own life as well as truly loving who one is. People attribute the fullness of their lives to the quality of them.

That’s not to imply someone who hasn’t seen the world, got a college education, or been skydiving cannot, therefore have genuine love for exactly whom he or she is. Alternatively, its not to insinuate that everyone whose lives are rich in adventure loves themselves.

I simply mean that the more appreciation a person has for the events in his or her life, the greater an appreciation and thus love that such a person is likely to have for himself or herself. People who feel they have no meaning or purpose in life don’t have this self-love. Contrarily they tend to self-loath.

Know Thyself
Before you can truly enjoy the feeling of loving who you are, you need to have a good understanding of who it is that you are. Knowing key aspects of yourself also provides clarity to the kind of person you want to date when you’re ready to start looking.

There are many important questions that you should ask yourself that will allow you to have a deeper knowledge about yourself and your potential partner when the time comes. These are some of the top priorities to inquire of yourself for that purpose:

What interests do I have? What hobbies do I enjoy?
What are the greatest strengths attributed to my character?
What character attributes do I need to work on improving?
How healthy or toxic is the relationship I have with members of my family?
What about my closest friends and my social circles? Do I have healthy reciprocation in my relationships with them?
How am I doing financially? Are my budget and bank account balanced and stable? Am I struggling with monetary expenses?
Where am I in my career? Am I content with my job?
What are the goals I’ve set for my future and how do I plan to achieve them?
What fears do I have and how can I overcome them?
What spiritual or religious beliefs do I practice and/or follow?
What moral standards do I adhere to and abide by?
What limitations do I have and what am I willing to compromise on? What are my inhibitions? What boundaries have I set for myself?
Where is my life going? Where do I see myself in five years? Ten or twenty years?

Resolving Uncomfortable Answers.
When you go through these questions, there will likely be answers you’ll find out about yourself that you’re not happy about. That’s why we ask them. The point is to love yourself, and that means correcting and improving things that you don’t like about yourself.

This process can be awkward, uncomfortable and even quite painful. However, the rewarding outcome that results from being willing to resolve your personal issues is beyond satisfying. There’s no other feeling like overcoming an internal battle. The efforts are hard to put in, yes, but the ends definitely justify the means.

Of course these are only a small selection of the various aspects that enable a person to love who he or she is. The most authentic and abundant lives stem from foundations in loving oneself. There’s no denying its importance.

As you discover who you genuinely are and build more of an appreciation for who that is, a natural phenomenon occurs. People become increasingly attracted to you. The confidence gained from loving yourself creates a magnetism to your charisma.

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Be aware, though, as you gain confidence and popularity, there will be people who are drawn to you but not healthy for you. Don’t allow toxic sludge to seep into your shining new radiance from such people. You will see signs of it more clearly once you’re free from your own former toxicity.

There are less noticeable to watch out for. Discounting other’s success, achievements (or alternatively downplaying tragedies or struggles that others are enduring,) is one example. Other subtle warning signs include these and similar actions and behaviors:

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Not taking responsibilities seriously, such as always being late, without understandable reason.
Pretending to be naive or “playing dumb“, as if known information or understood points to be brand new information to them.

People who change themselves completely from one social environment to the next. The more a person alters his or her demeanor plus the larger number of groups that instigate these alterations sums into the degree to which that person is unhappy with that self or those groups.